[태그:] Yellowstone

  • 세상에 착한 사람은 존재하지 않아.

    세상에 착한 사람은 존재하지 않아.

    Read in English “There’s no such thing as a good man, Kayce. All men are bad. But some of us try real hard to be good.” (좋은 사람은 존재하지 않아, 케이시. 세상에는 나쁜 사람들뿐이야. 하지만 우리 중 몇몇은 정말 열심히 착해…

  • Four Ways to Get Rich by Beth Dutton

    Four Ways to Get Rich by Beth Dutton

    Read in Korean Yellowstone is an American drama starring Kevin Costner that explores the story of family and power in a modern Western epic. Costner’s commanding presence anchors the series, while the intricate relationships and conflicts among his family and supporting…