[태그:] syntax

  • You must let him go free.

    You must let him go free.

    After he has served you six years, you must let him go free. Your fathers, however, did not listen to me or pay attention to me.  –Jeremiah 34:14 Build sentences in the order of 5W1H Go to Korean Version Explore the Table of…

  • I will give you a wise heart.

    I will give you a wise heart.

    I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. – 1 Kings 3:12 Build sentences in the order of 5W1H…

  • It was very good.

    It was very good.

    God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 In the beginning God spoke the subject and the verb Go to Korean Version Explore the Table…

  • We must constantly look at things in a different way.

    We must constantly look at things in a different way.

    Mastering Verb Teamwork Go to Korean VersionExplore the Table of Contents I don’t remember the plot of the movie, but there are movies that stay in memory like an old photograph, remembered through a single scene. The most memorable scene from…

  • I like watching you move.

    I like watching you move.

    Unlock English Sentence Structure with the 5W1H Framework! Go to Koren VersionExplore the Table of Contents In the 1993 film “Sleepless In Seattle,” the protagonist Mac Ryan is seen sobbing through a movie. That movie is “Love Affair” from 1939, starring…

  • Tell people to read books

    Tell people to read books

    Unlock English Sentence Structure with the 5W1H Framework! Go to Koren VersionExplore the Table of Contents In the year 2505, the United States is populated entirely by idiots. Even the president has an IQ that doesn’t surpass 100. This is the…