[태그:] English Grammer

  • How do I look?

    How do I look?

    Unlock English Sentence Structure with the 5W1H Framework! Go to Korean VersionExplore the Table of Contents There are movies where the actors are more memorable than the plot, and the background music or certain specific scenes leave a longer-lasting impression. Breakfast…

  • I just want to say one word to you.

    I just want to say one word to you.

    Unlock English Sentence Structure with the 5W1H Framework! Go to Koren VersionExplore the Table of Contents The movie “The Graduate” (1967), which depicts the story of a young person who graduated in the United States during the 1960s, is remembered as…

  • Would you do me a favor?

    Would you do me a favor?

    Unlock English Sentence Structure with the 5W1H Framework! Go to Koren VersionExplore the Table of Contents The movie “Born Yesterday,” released in 1993, is a remake of a film originally released in 1950. It tells the story of Harry, a wealthy…

  • I like to watch TV

    I like to watch TV

    Unlock English Sentence Structure with the 5W1H Framework! Go to Koren VersionExplore the Table of Contents Even if someone speaks the truth, in the end, everyone can only interpret it in their own way. This is because we do not possess…

  • Houston, we have a problem.

    Houston, we have a problem.

    Unlock English Sentence Structure with the 5W1H Framework! Go to Koren VersionExplore the Table of Contents Jim Lovell’s phrase, “Houston, we have a problem,” famously uttered by Tom Hanks in his portrayal of an astronaut in space, has gone beyond its…

  • I love you. You… complete me.

    I love you. You… complete me.

    Unlock English Sentence Structure with the 5W1H Framework! Go to Koren VersionExplore the Table of Contents Remembered for the iconic line “Show me the money!” is Jerry Maguire. Jerry Maguire is a drama film released in 1996, starring Tom Cruise. Let’s…